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Artspaces and projects 2004

Karte Frankfurter Offspaces 2005

Atelier Frankfurt

A new project within one block of the former police headquarter has opened for public in March. Nearly 40 studios for artists, architects and performers. Plus space for music and party.

The largest Off-Space for a long time.

Atelier Frankfurt a big player among Frankfurt artspaces
Atelierfrankfurt, Hohenstaufenstr. 13-27, 60327 Frankfurt


Artist collective Oskar von Millerstr. 16 has started a new line: Freitagsküche. Every Friday a public kitchen with dinner for everyone.

It began in April as a nearly private and personal event. Yet grew to a tremendous public happening within just a few weeks.

Souperior dining at Freitagsküche in der Oskar von Miller Strasse
Freitagsküche, Oskar von Millerstr. 16, 60314 Frankfurt. At this place until May 2005


Jürgen Wolfstädter has moved from Offenbach to Frankfurt Nordend to establish Wildwechsel. A small space dedicated to exhibitions and performance art.

Call of the wild - wildwechsel in Frankfurt Nordend
Wildwechsel, Rotlintstr. 98, 60389 Frankfurt. At this place until December 2008 and again since 2010

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