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Artspaces and projects 2006

Kunsträume in Frankfurt 2006 --- map2006
Kunsträume in Frankfurt 2006

Grxxgs - the end

Grxxgs - a nearly secret artspace in Frankfurt Nordend has finally closed. After more than 20 years of operation.

There were no invitations, no openings, no publicity. Just a continuous row of shows changing roughly every month.

The owner made no fuzz about his work. We did not even know his name. Some people mentioned a certain Heinrich Göbel. Was he an artist?

The space has been taken over by Martin Wagner.


Grxxgs, Bornheimer Landstr. 14-16, 60316 Frankfurt


The living room gallery of Carola Reichel showed up for the first time during the offspaces hype in the late 1990s.

We haven't heard from her for a while. An invitation reached us for a show by Jürgen Wolfstädter in spring 2006. He himself is an operator of the nearby space Wildwechsel.

ml44 is a funny concept. Open just a couple of days a year it is funded by the boarding room business of the owner. Yet, shows are booked up for years.


ml44, Martin-Luther-Strasse 44, 60389 Frankfurt,


Group Raumpool has finally hit real estate with a small building housing studios in the Bahnhofsviertel. The place is called Basis.

We are not shure wether it's a real offspace.


Basis, Elbestr.11, 60329 Frankfurt, website


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