One of the oldest art projects in town. Started as Ausstellungsraum Schmidl & Haas by Martin Schmidl and Florian Haas in 1992.
The place itself may still exist.
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on 01. Jul. 2009, 16:35- Schreib einen Kommentar
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Mehr Texte zu Offspaces
* Lola Montez - Paradoxien eines Off-Spaces 2002
* Eine andere Kunst ist möglich 2004
am 01. Jul. 2009, 14:30- Schreib einen Kommentar
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- 45 Herzen
A charming shack next to Hafen2 in Offenbach. Run by Öztürk sisters during summer time. Find a little bar with tea and cake, drinks and snacks. Plus artists' books, magazines and craftworks. Nice hangout for the afternoon.
The place itself may still exist.
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on 24. Jun. 2009, 16:31- Schreib einen Kommentar
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- 0 Herzen