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Inhalte von Thing Frankfurt die mit dem Stichwort OFFSPACES versehen wurden. Also alternative Kunsträume und Kunstprojekte.


Kunstraum Finger. Foto: Tine Nowak

One of the oldest art projects in town. Started as Ausstellungsraum Schmidl & Haas by Martin Schmidl and Florian Haas in 1992.

This project is no more in operation.
The place itself may still exist.


A charming shack next to Hafen2 in Offenbach. Run by Öztürk sisters during summer time. Find a little bar with tea and cake, drinks and snacks. Plus artists' books, magazines and craftworks. Nice hangout for the afternoon.

Hinweis auf Hafenstudio, ein Projekt von kurzer Dauer bei Hafen2 in Offenbach. Juni 2009
13.6. 2009

This project is no more in operation.
The place itself may still exist.