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Inhalte von Thing Frankfurt die mit dem Stichwort OFFSPACES versehen wurden. Also alternative Kunsträume und Kunstprojekte.


Kunstprojekt Muttertag in einer alten Tankstelle im Ostend 1992 --- muttertag03

Former gas station, first off-space in Frankfurt Eastend. An empty Gas station squatted by a group of Frankfurt and Offenbach art students, who called themselves "Muttertag" (after a famous horror movie).

This project is no more in operation.
The place itself may still exist.


Frankfurt Art Events related to Homeless Places 1991 - 2005


Group "Muttertag" (Mothers day, after a famous horror movie) is formed, empty gas station is squatted and transformed in an event space.



Ausstellungsraum in einer Privatwohnung in Frankfurt Bockenheim. Betrieben von Meike Behm und Peter Lütje zwischen 1995 und ca. 2005. (Hochzeit dürfte bis 2001 oder 2002 gewesen sein)

This project is no more in operation.
The place itself may still exist.