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A Policy of Names

The first approach to artworld names is the following LIST( ) of examples of lists with names. More of them will follow. With this I consider it of importance how my phenomenon of investigation is actually displayed, why this is my first attempt, others may follow.

Absolventen der Städelschule 2009

Marisa Argentato, Wiebke Bachmann, David Catherall, Florencia Colombo, Simon Denny, Martin Flemming, Jorma Foth, Oleksiy Gendlin, Florian Heinke, Oliver Heinzenberger, Hanna Hildebrand, Janus Hochgesand, Simone Junker, Normann Kaiser, Klaus Kamptner, Marty Kirchner, Max Kober, Flo Maak, Stefanie Mayer, Ryan Siegan-Smith, Cristina Szilly, Rebecca Ann Tess, Christian Tonner, Siw Umsonst, Friedrich V


Theoretische Texte, Erinnerungen, Statements und künstlerische Beiträge von / Theoretical texts, memories, statements and artwork by Thomas Ankersmit, Harald Ansorge, Serge Baghdassarians, Boris Baltschun, Jürg Bariletti, Johannes Bauer, Burkhard Beins, Marta Blažanović, Nicholas Bussmann, Lucio Capece, Diego Chamy, Clare Cooper, Werner Dafeldecker, Rhodri Davies, Bertrand Denzler, Bill Dietz, Axe

Künstler helfen Künstlern

Benefizauktion - Japan nach dem Tsunami