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Inhalte von Thing Frankfurt die mit dem Stichwort OFFSPACES versehen wurden. Also alternative Kunsträume und Kunstprojekte.

Pavillon am Main

Pavillon am Main Kunstort von Dirk Paschke 2003

Temporärer Kunstort am Mainufer. Von Dirk Paschke. Aktiv von 2003 bis 2004. Dann plötzlicher Stopp. Einfach verschwunden.

This project is no more in operation.
The place itself may still exist.

Artspaces and projects 2004

Karte Frankfurter Offspaces 2005

Atelier Frankfurt

A new project within one block of the former police headquarter has opened for public in March. Nearly 40 studios for artists, architects and performers. Plus space for music and party.

OFK, Jürgen Georg Wolfstädter

Offenbacher Kunstraum und Atelierhaus. September 2002 --- ofk ansicht096

Offenbacher Kunstraum. Artist and event manager Jürgen Wolfstädter has transfered his activity (and even familiy) to Frankfurt finally. Said Offenbach was dead, no extension possible. Hopes to attract more people with smaller space.

This project is no more in operation.
The place itself may still exist.